Gold Digger is a fast-paced, multi-screen game featuring the ULTIMATE
balance of STRATEGY and arcade-style ACTION!
Evaluate Gold Digger for as long as you like. If you enjoy the game, you can use the order form below, or just provide the requested information, plus $14.95 (cash, check, or credit card) to T&T Software. You will get back a registration code that enables all of Gold Digger's features! When you receive the code, simply type your name in this form (below) and enter the code at the bottom of this window.
Gold Digger contains 150 carefully designed screens. With the built-in editor, you can design your own screens. Until registered, this copy has access to 15 screens, the editor's 'Save' menu option is disabled, and this Welcome screen will appear. A registered copy of Gold Digger can save up to five games in progress.
Enjoy the game!! Scroll this window for the official Gold Digger order form.
**************** Gold Digger: 'The Lost Mines' - Easy Order Form ****************
Please rush my registration code for Gold Digger: The Lost Mines to:
Name ___________________________________________________________________________
Payment must be in U.S. dollars. Checks must be drawn on U.S. banks and payable to T&T Software. You may also use a credit card to order by fax, electronic mail, or phone. Overseas orders add $2.00.
Where did you obtain Gold Digger? ______________________________________________